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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Things You Need To Buy

You asked for it and here it is!!! All The Things!

These are items that I have bought that I just love or items people have told me are great. Things I use, or my kids use, or things that are just awesome and Things I even hope one day to get...  I thought why not share them and they just might be something you didn't know you wanted or needed......

Divertictalitus tea ingredients

                                        Vacuum seal bags

I have over the last 8 years been using this product to the point It breaks. I am on my third one. I have gladly bought a new one each time. The time and ease of chopping onions, bell peppers, garlic, celery, and like items in large quantities for large batch cooking, home canning, and holidays have been invaluable.  I bought another brand one time and quickly went back to Vidalia chop wizard because it chops so fast and well in great sizes. 

                                Samsung 20+ earbud dongle

This is not the one on sale but one from a friend's counter. I always try and use my own photos so she sent me one of her Excaliber. Click the link and see one 5-6 years newer!!! They last!!

If you want a dehydrated and Just don't want to spend the money right now, or want the gentleness of air drying without the BUGS! This is what you need. 

The Best Mop I have ever used. 

These lanterns are LED battery operated with a cylinder battery. To buy 4 spare batteries and no charger is pushing the mid-thirties in price. If the electricity is off and you are using a battery-operated lantern, batteries are important.  I found a flashlight with 8 batteries that are a bit higher in volt yet the same style and size with a charger for 24.99. When you buy the flashlight below, you get double the batteries for cheaper, a charger, and a flashlight... More than a win-win

I love this canning additive. I use to keep things from turning brown to adding to some things when canning. It is Non-GMO and food-safe and organic. I also use it in my dishwasher to keep it running clean. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Post Pandemic Emergency Food Storage

Emergency Food Storage

Did you know that before the pandemic hit America that The USDA, FEMA, CDC, Home Land Security, and the American Red Cross all recommended an emergency food storage of at least three days to start? They recommend that once you have the three days of food and water in place to have a two-week supply.  In your three days supply, they recommend you have food that can be consumed without heat as an option. here are few websites to look over as you begin your journey of preparedness.

Well, we are way past three days, two weeks, and even three months. We are now into the six-month mark and we are still in a partial shutdown, major jobs losses, and for some catastrophic illness and death of loved ones.  Imagine if you had food security that would ride you through this uncertainty. We have all had the struggle in 2020 at times finding food or have been limited on what and how much you can buy at a time. Even now, six months in the shutdown, flour, and yeast to make bread can still be hard to find. Most food chains have had their deli and bakeries shut down.  The whole world knows about the absolute zeal Americans had for toilet paper at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic. Toilet paper won't feed you, but you should have some of that stored also

Starting Your Food Storage

I think every American will now consider at least having some food supply on hand. Before this, the average American home barely had a three-day supply of food. The rest on hand would most likely be a bunch of fragments that you may or may not be able to force into a semblance of a meal. The American supply line chain for food and supplies is about three days because of the Just In Time Delivery System model that almost all stores and businesses follow. One big impact for the American supply chain is there are no real contingencies for its breakdown. It is still broken in August of 2020 because of restaurant shutdowns. Food suppliers are having to find a place for that supply of food that normally would be for restaurants and schools that now no longer need the food. 

Americans eat out a lot and now that we are not eating out it is causing problems for supply lines. Not only are Americans not eating out as much, but many restaurants are just gone. They went out of business because of the mandatory government shutdowns. Many food suppliers are dumping and destroying food because they have nowhere to go.  Some are giving what they can away and then finding disposal places for the rest. Americans do not think about where and how food comes to them, they just go buy it. Cooking from scratch is hard if you have never done it. Once Americans realize that once you learn it cooking from scratch is not that hard. Not to mention it tastes way better than Frankenstein Foods and even restaurant food.  Then perhaps those foods being destroyed can feed into American homes instead. 

There are many households that have had a tragedy before the pandemic, be it illness, major home or car repair, job loss, or caring for a sick or elderly family member. They have learned about food security the hard way and adjusted their lifestyles to have food security. Most households do not have food security or have a clue on how to create it to have peace of mind. The fear and worry on how to feed their families during monetary hardship, illness, or job loss are fearful and stressful. Just the act of having food put by can relieve both the mental pressure and worry and take food from the financial struggle. 
Our supply chain line is long. Items are in short supply as they come from so far.  Then the whole world is shut down in some form or fashion due to the pandemic. Americans are clueless to the extent of how our trade deals and other government programs have harmed American companies and pushed them out of business and overseas. The news does not show cities where the manufacturing is gone and the cities have become partial ghost towns. People who live in those cities know about the factory closings and job losses, empty and abandoned buildings, and factories.  A perfect example would be any town like Detroit that used to be a manufacturing city of cars and staple items Americans use every day. Items that were once made in the USA.

 We go to the store and buy things like lightbulbs, and other items for our homes. and are totally clueless they are only made overseas and no longer manufactured in the United States. When the pandemic hit, Americans learned that almost all the ingredients to make medicine comes from overseas. Many items are made in America, but the ingredients to make them are not.   Over the last thirty years, through our trade deals with other countries,  American has been dismantled and sold out.  Research American ghost towns and farmlands. It is something very important about our country that needs to be addressed. I have spent my life saying buy American.

Some items are getting harder to find.  This is causing producers to have problems getting the items they need to produce food for sale. You should research what you use in your home like light bulbs, and items made from metal, steel, and aluminum, as well as electronic and digital items as these items, are coming from overseas. Batteries, lightbulbs, plastic items, electronics. 

President Trump began to address these things when he took office. We don't have manufacturing in the US anymore. One of President Trump's main campaign promises was to bring manufacturing home to the United States. In conjunction with bringing manufacturing home, he is also getting rid of destructive regulations that destroy and close businesses because they serve no purpose but to line someone's pocket with money. For every new regulation made two must now be removed. Brilliant! These are things he started to put back into place before the pandemic even hit. 

 I personally don't think we have even begun to see the impact of the worldwide pandemic effects of our supply chain yet. Steel mills had just started going back into production when the pandemic hit. President Trump had mandated that any government contractor could no longer buy foreign steel but must buy steel made in America. If we move into a cold war with our main supplier, China, things will be even harder to find. I don't think many realize that our basic lumber is also imported because of the crushing regulations on the lumber industry. The almost non-management of forest lands is what causes the devastating fires across the nation. There were far fewer fires when America managed its forest land. It also kept the price of lumber down with the constant influx of trees from properly managing forest lands. 

This too. is changing, with the lessening of crushing regulations and trade deals that have decimated our industries and made a lot of people rich. This has dismantled the United States' ability to maintain its own manufacturing and supply chain. It takes time for the infrastructure of American companies to build back up to return to production. Do some research as to what you use and need in your home. What comes from China or overseas and add that to what you store. Almost anything that has electronics, like refrigerators and freezers

  CONTAINER SHIPS   This is manufactured products from China and other overseas nations being brought into the United States. This is only one port, every coastal city that has a major port is bringing in just as much in imports to the United States. 

What does this mean for you the consumer? It means you need to decide what kind of storage you want to put into place. Everyone should have three-day emergency storage from storms, water issues, and loss of electricity. You should consider also two weeks food supply,  three-month supply, and long-term storage. This usually means for 6 months to a year.  This supply is of food and items that you need, eat and use regularly. It needs to follow your type of lifestyle. You don't have to do it all at once, but you should have already started. It is estimated that everyone is stocking back a little food right now while we are in the middle of the pandemic. Most will stop when everything is back to normal. Some are estimating that about 30-40 percent will keep a storage plan and stash in place even when life as we once knew it returns. One thing that you might consider thinking about is if you should learn to be a producer as well as a consumer. Start learning what you may need to do and have to put in small gardens. Perhaps, you can get a few chickens. You may also consider learning new skills that help you prepare long-term food storage like home canning, or dehydrating. Check your state extension services and your state legislature for any post-pandemic changes that will help you store and produce food at your home. 

Three Day Supply

One of the most important things about any food storage or supply is that it be the type of food you eat on a regular basis. Do not buy and store food that you won't eat. If you do not like the taste or texture nor is it a food you would normally eat, you are not going to eat it. The old adage is rice and beans store for 25-30 years. If you don't like rice and beans you are not going to eat them or rotate them back into your regular food supply. The reason rice and beans is recommended is that together they are are a complete protein. Rice and beans broken down by your body can be converted into every amino acid your body needs to function. If you don't like rice and beans find alternatives that will make another complete protein for your body. 

Your three-day supply of food and water is more than likely going to be for an emergency like a power outage from earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, snow, and ice.  Most people who live in those areas have emergency items stored from experience. It is a safety measure put in place to alleviate stress, worry, and inconvenience. How much you store in your three days supply depends on your immediate family size or family that may be staying you with as part of your family emergency plan. You do have an Emergency plan right?

You should regularly convert your 3 days supply back into your pantry and replenish it with newer food. This should only have to occur once or twice a year as shelf-life is rather long on these types of foods. The foods you want to have in this supply are high-energy foods and foods that can be eaten cold. Take into consideration if you have to move out of your home and have supplies like silverware, napkins, hand sanitizer, and hand and bottom wipes. Have as much of it as possible be disposable. Have everything stored near or together in the event you do have to relocate. Don't forget storage options for leftovers like closable plastic containers and ziplock bags. Remember this is just your emergency 3 days supply. Here as some ideas of items, you should have. 
  • canned Fruits
  • canned vegetables
  • canned soups
  • canned meats like tuna, chicken, spam, and ham
  • crackers
  • snack bars
  • trail mixes
  • dried fruits, seeds, and nuts
  • peanut butter
  • spices like salt pepper
  • canned or dry milk
  • cereals
  • foods and special supplies for infants like diapers, formula, ointments, and medicines
  • food for special diets for elderly and diabetics and vegetarians
  • comfort foods for fear and stress like candy, cookies, potato chips and snacks
  • flashlights, matches and lighters and a can opener
  • one gallon of water, per person, per day. A family of four should have at a minimum 12 gallons of water for a three-day emergency. You should have more if your foods require water to eat or prepare. Several things people do not consider when storing daily water rations is that this is for drinking. You need to consider you need to stock also for hygiene. Personal washing, tooth care, hand washing, and cooking clean up. Do not forget your pets. They too need a gallon a day. 

Two Week  And Three Month Supply

Now that you have a three-day supply of food in place for a disaster or emergency you can begin your short and long-term storage of two weeks and longer. We have learned in the 2020 pandemic that illness combined with job loss is a big portion of a food emergency.  Most Americans have never had to even bother considering this until something like it has happened to them. These were the folks who were actually a little bit prepared. Something in life knocked them back a bit at some point and they had to change their mindset.  Now everyone has had to consider it. Your two week supply can also just move right into a three month supply and just skip the two week part. I have a small pantry and a small long term pantry that I use together. Consider making these supplies permanent, The fear and stress of future illness, major household or car repair, and job loss. Having three, six months,  or even a year's worth of food stored could seriously alleviate fear and stress levels and remove food as part of the financial burden. The biggest secret to a successful rotational pantry is that you shop from your pantry supplies, then you shop at the store. this constantly rotates your food. 

You are going to need a plan to keep track of what you are doing, as well as what do you want or should store. You have to learn and plan so that your long term food and emergency storage items don't perish. You need to work these items back into your pantry on a regular basis. You need to teach yourself to rotate your long term pantry into your kitchen or working pantry on a regular basis.  The best way to do this is to build your long term pantry in a way that you shop first from your long term pantry for the items that you can, in conjunction with your regular grocery shopping. Then just replenish these items back into your long term pantry. This is where storing and buying food you normally eat come into play to make a long term and short term food storage economical and useful. This is will also allow you to seriously take advantage of sales and bulk purchasing.  

When you begin,  just buy more of what you eat. Few can just go to the store and buy a three month supply of food. Just buy more of what you eat. buy a  few extra at a time. If you normally buy one box of crackers periodically buy two. Just start buying one or two extra of everything that is shelf-stable every time you go to the store. Something you may not have paid attention to in the past is expiration dates on food. Always look at what it is and try to find the one with the longest shelf life. Just rotate what you buy until your pantry starts to have more of the food you eat on a regular basis.  When storing your food always put the newest food at the back of the cabinet so that you are always using the oldest food first. In stores, restaurants, and warehousing this called FIFO, first in first out. If you normally buy one of something switch your mindset to buy two or three. Below are multiple links on different ideas to start food storage and build a three month supply or longer supply of food. Each video author gives different ideas on how you can begin, rotate, and continue to have food security for your family. 

You are also going to need to store items like cleaning supplies, laundry, and dishwasher soaps. You should also consider stocking items like toothpaste, mouth wash, and sanitary items for both men and women like shaving cream, razors tampons, and sanitary napkins. If your crazy 2020 stockpile of toilet paper is getting all means stock it back up. A great source for doing this cheaply comes from two women who call themselves Krazy Coupon Lady. Their website shows you how to use coupons, phone apps, and in-store deals at major box stores and pharmacies. It is seriously worth your time to study a few of their videos teaching you how to take advantage of in-store deals, coupons, and deep discounts most people are totally clueless about. Sometimes as much as 50-60 percent off and with a combination of apps, coupons, and in-store deals sometimes for free or just pennies. It does not take as much time or is as hard as you think. Most people also don't realize that Walgreens and CVS are a great place to replenish staples like paper and cleaning products with coupons. These stores are more friendly to the couponer and bargain shopper than a traditional grocery store.  


As you build your food storage you may notice you need places to store it. You are going to need to look around your house and find places to put shelves and cabinets to store items. That is unless you are blessed with an actual big pantry. I am not so I have been creative. You are now going to have a working pantry and a short and long term working panty. Many kitchens only have a small closet size pantry or a cabinet.  Food items really can not be stored anywhere that there is a heat fluctuation, but non-perishable items like cleaning supplies, detergents, and paper and personal items can be stored in the garage or outside sheds and storage buildings.  The best solution if you can afford it is overtime to get bookshelves, and industrial, or chef racks to store your new and growing pantry on.  and stuff them in rooms and corners of your house.

When storing food for the long term look for ways that keep your food storage safe. Consider adding infrastructure items like a vacuum sealer to extend the shelf life of perishable items. There are also mason jar attachments that you can use on the wide mouth and regular mouth canning jars that will tightly seal items like crackers, pasta, and snacks longer in an airtight environment. Here is a good video example. 

Do you have anything stored under your bed? Find storage containers that fit under your bed to store extra food. To start,  cut delivery boxes to fit under your bed. Find your creative self! Consider closets and other corners of your home that you can stick a shelf to store items. If you do not like it visible consider putting fabric skirts or curtains over them so that it is hidden from view. There are a ton of youtube videos out there teaching you these simple skills. 

We as Americans have never really in my life had this type of long term crisis happen. Learning to prepare in this volatile time in American history is crucial in my opinion. Food storage and food safety is a good first step into being prepared for any contingency in our crazy upside-down world right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being prepared. Those Crazy preppers and doomsday preppers might not seem so crazy to you now.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Freezing Spinach

Freezing Spinach

I can't grow spinach at this time. I don't have the infrastructure and raised garden bed space or set up. I have three, four by four raised bed garden plots that I purchased in excitement when we bought the house five years ago. They have since begun to fall apart.  Pesky pests like squirrels and raccoons and OPC (other people's cats)...I took the F out, dig up and poop up and just mess anything I have planted.

 A knee injury and family hardship put two of my five seasons out of range to learn Gardening. Gardening requires learning, trial, and error, and finally building healthy soil. This makes me have to buy some things. Like spinach. It would be too expensive from the grocery to home can spinach. So for eight dollars at Costco for 2 large bags, I can put ten, two-person portions in the freezer. This tastes way better than can spinach and I don't have to cook it down for fresh. Win-win for me and my knee. I'll show you.

Pre Washed Or Triple Washed

Even if my produce says pre-washed, already washed or triple-washed, I still wash it very well. Gloved hands, protected hands can still stop and pick or itch their face or nose and or whatever else tickles or itches. I prefer to rewash all, my pre-washed produce.

 Two large bags cooked down in butter salt and pepper till tender. I removed some of the liquid that cooks down from the spinach and cooked the rest away.

Before you know it the pan that was overflowing is no longer.
Then it is time to fill the containers.

It is amazing how two very large bags cook down to ten small containers,  I now have ten delicious sides prepped and ready for dinner. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Coronavirus Gardening. Garden while sheltering in place

Garden your way through Coronavirus!

I am updating a kitchen scrap garden blog I wrote about last year's celery. I also do the same with the bottoms of lettuce and cabbage. I just started some celery, lettuce, and cabbage today (3-23-20) Check Back in a few days, I will add some more pictures as I go along. Below is my blog on the celery that I grew from scraps last year.

If you have a few potatoes with eyes on them you can cut them into pieces, set them out to harden on the edges for a few days. Plant them shallowly in the dirt in a big flower pot or a 2-5 gallon bucket. As they sprout keep covering the area around the plants as they grow taller. When the container is full of dirt the potato plants are ready to begin their magic. Depending on the size of your container you could get anywhere from 10- 60 potatoes at the end of its life cycle. Worst-case scenario,? You fill your time productively, and if your plants fail you gave your dirt some good nutrition. Better yet, use the peels from all your veggie scraps as mulch on the topsoil of your kitchen scrap garden.

Youtube has so many videos teaching you this stuff. Take some time out from constant news watching and back up and be proactive. You are using scraps what is the harm maybe in 30-60 days you will have a small amount of food to add to your fridge. You can even plant carrot tops it will only be greens but greens are greens. Buy some bags of dirt, a few pots, and do a little container gardening. In Texas, this is the best time to begin.  At worst you are learning a new skill with the time you are sheltering in place.

Growing Celery From Kitchen Discards (updated)

I use a lot of celery lately as my daughter and I are on the eating protocol from the GAPS diet. So I decided to try something I had read about over the years. I started growing celery from my discards. In a few weeks, I should be able to start harvesting Celery.  Below are photos are the growing journey so far.

If you are interested in learning about the GAPS Diet I have written a blog on it.

 Here is the book from my Amazon site. GAPS

Mushrooms:Ways to store them


Keeping Mushrooms For A Longer Time In Your Freezer Or Refridgerator.

I sometimes get so frustrated because I get busy and forget I had mushrooms I wanted to add to my cooking. Then they go all stinky and slimy. Taking advantage of sales and buying mushrooms in larger quantities will allow you to store them for whenever you need them in the freezer. 

Simple solution, sautee them in butter or oil,

then store in the fridge and use within a week, or put in small freezer bags or containers and freeze in portion or meal sizes and keep for up to a year. 

Mushrooms hold their texture and taste well when frozen. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

My Gaps Diet


Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut Physiology Syndrome.  

What exactly is GAPS?  GAPS is an eating protocol or an elimination diet. It was put together by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride  Most people don't realize it is two issues and type groups that have the same acronym. It is undertaken by those who come to a realization that they have severe gut issues and problems. Acid reflux, Diverticulosis,  IBS, Constipation, Frequent Diarrhea, Nausea, Frequent Tummy Aches, Upset Stomach, etc....... This would be the Physiology side of Gaps. The psychology side is neurological. ADD, ADHD, Autism, and many other psychological issues.


People are willing to undertake this eating protocol to heal their gut. Science is proving more and more every day that the gut is in charge of so many things having to do with our day-to-day living. Our gut controls so many aspects of our body. Take the time to google the gut-brain connection and read some of the studies from the top hospitals in our nation. They all tie our gut, endocrine systems, and brain together in a dance that for most of us is way out of balance. This, in turn, has made all of us way out of balance.  We are taking antibiotics and other prescription drugs that treat symptoms but do not cure them. In many cases, a whole host of new problems arise from the medications that are meant to help.

This eating protocol is a drastic yet simplified way of eating through the elimination of Frankenstein foods, ( Processed Foods) and returning to simply eating whole foods. You also remove all grains, sugars, dairy, as well as the Frankenstein foods.  The focus revolves around something from our past that has been lost through reliance on prepackaged and store-bought foods. It isn't forever just until you heal. After one month,  I see a drastic difference, but I also still have a way to go. My gut is bad and I am too overweight. 


Ask anyone you know in their late forties and early fifties, if they remember their grandmothers and great grandmothers always having a pot of soup or stock on the stove. The resounding answer you may hear is that yes they always had soup going or were always cooking soup. Why is that? Everyone knows or has heard. Oh, feed them chicken soup. In the past Mothers and Grandmothers knew that soup and broth heal, yet society has moved away from and has disbelief that soup actually heals.  Old wives' tales meet science.

An old story talks of a woman who had two chickens. One seemed sick. Rather than put it down, she killed the healthy chicken and fed its broth to the sick chicken. Her family enjoyed the chicken soup as well. The sick chicken got well and later became a pot of chicken soup. She killed the one healthy chicken to heal the sick chicken and ensured her family ate two chickens.  

Water Kefir
The GAPS diet or protocol is meat stock, meat broth, and bone broths first, then the broths and stocks are made into nutrient-dense soups. Adding in naturally occurring probiotic foods in increasing amounts heals the gut wall and helps the gut strip itself and reform with new gut lining.
Fermented Vegetables

While making broths you will need to bring your constitution up as to what level of broth you can go. You can use basic bones and carcasses, or you can experiment and add more parts of the animal that will bring deeper healing. The bones and fat will suffice if that is all you can bring yourself to do. My daughter and I chose to experiment for the healing.

Eating whole animals has been removed from our mindset. I remember it began in my generation. When my sister was little I remember she wouldn't eat eggs when she found out they came from a chicken butt.

Eating these fats and proteins binds together separated gut lining most often referred to as leaky gut back together through a tightening and reformation of the gut wall and lining. It takes as little as a few days or as long as a few months. It simply depends on the severity of your gut health. The Gut is tied to both the psychological and physiological aspects of GAPS. Healing the gut starts to help or contribute to a lessening of symptoms of severity. 

My GAPS Journey

I think all of my children have gut health issues that tie into auto-immune disorders or constipation. Since discovering GAPS I have tried to encourage all five to consider GAPS.

About four years ago I was told I have a floating gall stone, and raging acid reflux. I didn't even know I have acid reflux. My doctor, as well as a technician who took my gut pictures, said mine was one of the worst they had ever seen. It is silent but could be deadly. Not being aware of acid reflux can silently erode your esophageal lining and at times lead to throat cancer. I was also told that I have fatty liver disease.

I took meds for a short time for the acid then quit as it made me have high blood pressure. The acid reflux I didn't know I had, I know I have now, since starting and stopping the medication. In one of my many internet searches, I finally found GAPS  

The author of the GAPS Diet, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride did a three-part series about her book. If you have any type of gut issues, then most likely your whole family does. This video series is well worth your time. Each part of the series is about thirty minutes.

Since starting GAPS in February 2019 my gut is soft and squishy not distended and hard. Inflammation in my whole body has gone down and I have lost thirteen pounds. I am still on the introduction phase of GAPS and I plan to stay on it as long as I can stand it. I'm not bothered eating soups. I make broths, and set aside the meat and then make soups. 

My daughter and I are both now on GAPS. She is a full-time teacher and very busy. She is also recovering from a nuclear die-off of her thyroid. When she researched what I was doing she asked to join me. Her immune system is severely compromised by her thyroid issues. Her doctors helped her make the decision to kill off her thyroid as her symptoms were becoming life-threatening. 

So, my week is made up of making broth and soups for us for the week. I started making broths with a full array of veggies for flavor but switched to just broth. I have since put back the veggies for flavor upon request by my daughter. Some soups are whole and some are pureed. The chicken carrot pureed is delicious.
Next round I am trying tomato. This batch in the photo was broccoli and carrot pureed as well as chicken broth.

On the introductory protocol, you can have salt and pepper and just about any vegetable removing the most fibrous parts.  Any veg you find bothers you at first you can remove it before eating your soup or omit and reintroduce later. It can be in the soup for flavor and removed before consumption.  The only exception is no potatoes and parsnips. We are currently doing meat broth. We save the bones to reuse in the next batch once they are removed. All my meat broths are simmered no more than three to four hours. When the bones are cool I place in a ziplock freezer bag or vacuum seal, date, and then place in the freezer.  When I use them a second time, I add them with the fresh item, be it chicken, beef, or lamb and then discard them.  ( I have since stopped adding the bones to the next batch of broth and I am just saving them for future batches of bone broth at a later date in the protocol. )  
Freezing Bones

It took me a bit of research on how long you can freeze bones for batches of bone broth. It seems it doesn't matter how old they are as bone-broth cooks so long and with the vegetables for flavor as well apple cider vinegar they will make a broth and taste fine. The USDA Was My Source

I  found that after the first week my cravings were almost none. I have a few slip-ups, but I have gone black coffee no more milk or cream, and no sugars. I had previously switched to sweetleaf and rarely have sugar at all anymore. Previously I had also stopped first using artificial creamers and went back to half and half. In the last year, I had switched to full cream.  Now the only milk I have is yogurt.  We have even located raw milk and are making our own raw yogurt. When I don't have raw milk I just get the best low homogenized organic milk. I usually get Kalona Super Natural Organic Whole Milk. I also simplified the making of yogurt by buying an inexpensive machine that took all the ability to mess it up out. I also bought the extender accessory and extra jars as I always have more than seven jars when I make yogurt. 

I think the fats and oils in the broth stop the cravings. I know when I drink my broth I am usually satisfied, but you have to eat the soup four to six times a day to have proper nutrition. 

We try and use organic where ever possible. We found a store for local pasture-raised and healthy-fed lamb, chicken, beef, and goat. The store is a Halal meat market and doesn't claim to be organic. The animals are just raised on pasture, in a healthy manner and it is local. It is actually cheaper than the grocery store. The taste is by far so much better than what I am buying at our grocery stores. I know that the meat is better than the grocery because the animals are out on pasture. We can get almost all the bones and joints for the broths also. It is awesome to behold, they bring the carcass out and cut the bone type you request right off a hunk of the animal. Now that is FRESH!  

We are working our way up to trying goat. Neither of us has ever had it that we remember. Here are this week's broths and soups. I'll try and update weekly what soups I have concocted as I can get out of the kitchen!

22-quart roaster Beef Broth 

1 leg shank, 1 package of neck bones, 2 pounds stew meat, 1 half-gallon previous beef broth made with the same bones, but also 1 pack of beef hoofs

8 stalks of celery chopped small
2 medium to large onions chopped small
1 leek well washed brown bits removed. Include all green stalk that is healthy for flavor
6 whole organic carrots unpeeled. peeled if unable to find organic. Leave them whole. 
4 or 5 cloves of garlic if desired. I leave out as I find the broth gets a weird flavor. I add garlic at the time I make the soup.  
2 organic chickens, or other meats and bones.

Bring roaster to a boil,  turn down to simmer  Salt and pepper to taste when the chicken, beef, lamb, or pork has begun to release into the water and it is cooked enough to be safe for tasting.  Simmer for two and a half to three hours. Just until the meat wants to fall off the bone or fall apart. If you miss well fish it all out. No big deal just more work. Remove carrots if they are cooked and you can serve them with another meal. Or eat when you want to go for carbs or sugar. Continue to simmer roaster until the meat cools and you can pull it from the bone. Set all meat aside and put back in all bones, gristle, guts, gook, and fat. Add back all water and oil that ran off the meat while cooling. Simmer one more hour. 

At this time I usually put the broth in half-gallon jars and quart mason jars. 

When cool I refrigerate.  I already had some half-gallon mason jars. Most often they are all full but I was able to combine things or put in smaller mason jars and cull out seven jars. My daughter purchased two packs of six jars. This past week I bought another six-pack of half-gallon jars. I can make three types of soups that last us both all week and then broth to drink throughout the day.  My pans are large soup pans and I can usually get us each two gallons of soup and a bit from each pan. 

Repeat with beef bones and lamb bones. Not really any variation on the broths when I make them. They are the same ingredients in the same quantities,  just different bones. 

Because I make three soups at one time I chop and sautee my onions, celery, and leeks in one pan and split between the three pans. I sautee them first because I think the richness adds to the overall flavor of the soup. 

Chicken Broth

Made with 2 whole organic chickens and 5 chicken feet
(this batch was the first time I used chicken feet and I used too many.)

Chicken soup (Peas and carrots)

In a large soup pan, add broth into the pan until half full.  Sautee a large onion chopped, 1-2 leeks rinsed well with brown removed or cutaway. Use all the leek including the green and chop finely,  8 stalks of celery chopped. Add to broth.  till tender and add to broth. 
1 large bag of peas
8-10 carrots chopped
1 half-cup sauteed mushrooms
salt and pepper taste
add broth until the pan is just full enough to simmer without boiling over. 
Simmer until all ingredients are done. Cool and bottle up into the fridge. 

Chicken soup ( yellow squash, carrot, and Brussel sprouts)

In a large soup pan, add broth into the pan until half full.  Sautee a large onion chopped, 1-2 leeks rinsed well with brown removed or cutaway. Use all the leek including the green and chop finely,  8 stalks of celery chopped. Add to broth.  till tender and add to broth.
1-2 cups chicken cooked in broth
3-5 fresh yellow squash chopped or 1 bag frozen
2 bags frozen Brussel sprouts braised and browned
4-6 chopped carrots
1 half-cup sauteed mushrooms
1 cup chopped red, yellow,  orange, and green bell pepper
salt and pepper to taste
simmer soup until cooked. Cool and bottle up put in the refrigerator 

Beef Soup ( Turnip, Kale, Napa Cabbage, and Carrot)

In a large soup pan, add broth into the pan until half full.  Sautee a large onion chopped, 1-2 leeks rinsed well with brown removed or cutaway. Use all the leek including the green and chop finely,  8 stalks of celery chopped. Add to broth.  till tender and add to broth.

8 turnips chopped 
1 napa cabbage
10 carrots
1 half-cup sauteed mushrooms
2 bunches Kale
all the beef removed from making the broth
salt and pepper to taste. 

simmer until well cooked and then cool and bottle up for the refrigerator.

Until the next soup!!

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