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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Second Fermentation of Kombucha Part Three

We started off making our own scoby, then we progressed to making our own batch of kombucha. We find ourselves at the glorious part of flavoring the finished kombucha and letting it ferment for a second time and get even fizzier. 

Our favorite seems to be Pineapple. I prefer fresh or frozen pineapple chunks, but canned is also good in a pinch.  First things first you need to find some good glass bottles. I use several different types. 

The first type I use is glass bottles that are squared. They are called French Glass squared, but they don't seal well or tight enough for kombucha. They are pretty but don't get the seal as tight. The second type I like is swing top fermentation bottles. Originally I got my bottles one at a time at Sprouts. I bought a bottle of French sparkling lemonade in a swing top bottle for 1.99. Recently they raised the price to 2.99 per bottle. It is actually cheaper to buy a case now on amazon prime.
My favorite bottle at this point and time is
 This is a 6 pack case bottles of Kevita Probiotic Coconut Kiefer that I bought at Costco for 11.99 per case.  I bought it specifically for the bottles. I figured the cost and it was as good or better deal for the bottles as buying bottles. Plus I knew it would create a good tight seal. So I bought them, drank them, and cleaned the bottles for future kombucha 2nd ferments. The jars seal tightly and create a wonderful fizz. I like these kevita bottles the best and the swing top bottles the second best. As you can see from my image it is fizzing over, and that was just twenty-four hours. They are also way easier to clean with a bottle brush than any of the other bottles. 

2nd Fermenting

The first thing to do is to make sure all your bottles are clean. Gather all your funnels and scoops and measuring cups as well as your completed kombucha. Clean any bottles that aren't completely clean. There is never a time that I don't find one or two bottles I thought were clean that could be cleaner. Find a GLASS jar to store your scoby in if you are not making another batch of kombucha right away. Typically I will start another batch and then do the second ferment. Make some Fresh sweet tea, set aside to cool. Place your scoby in the tea with a cup or two of starter liquid.

Prepare your fruit
Place fresh or frozen fruit in a glass jar. You can also use fruit juices. I would use organic juices, but that again is my preference. The second ferment process will eat most of the sugar present in juice and fruit. The brewing process has eaten most of the sugar present. Adding fruit gives it a 2nd sugar to eat and as it has already fermented, it will gobble the new sugar up and that is the added carbonation. When you add the brewed kombucha to the fruit it's going to start eating it right away. I put about an inch of fruit or juice in each bottle. 
Fill the jar to top with the finished kombucha. Screw the lid down tightly. After placing the lid on tightly rinse the outside of jars and place on a kitchen towel to ferment for a few days until fruit sugars have been eaten and it is at the optimal taste profile for you. The longer you leave it the less sweet it will be. Do not leave longer than 2 to 3 days max or you will have an explosion in your kitchen.
I burp my bottles at least once a day to stop mild eruptions in my kitchen. When it is ready, I get a big bowl in a clean sink and  I strain all the fruit out and combine all same flavors of the 2nd fermented kombucha into one bowl. I then refill the bottles before placing in the refrigerator. I do this each time with each different flavor. I always set even my unflavored kombucha aside along with the fruit flavored in tight bottles. The unflavored will also get fizzier.

They will last several months and begin to get more tart and fizzy at a slower pace in the refrigerator. At this time my favorite flavor is pineapple and honey lemon and lemon ginger. Play with the flavors and find the ones you like the best. Search for recipes on the internet. Your taste is going to determine your favorite flavors. It is very easy to play around until you find that flavor. 
Happy happy Booch Babes!!!!!

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